
Amphibious Geologies

research, essay, performance, 2020-2022

Part of Non-Extractive Architecture, V-A-C Zattere. 2022
Presented at V-A-C Zattere, 30.01.2022
Non-Extractive Architecture Vol. II (Upcoming)
Part of distance-difference-duration at the Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths University of London 12.2020  

Acknowledgments: Mario Cherido (LARES Restauri); Dr. Sandra Donnici (CNR-IGG); Dr. Lidia Fersuoch; Dr. Irene Guarneri (CNR-ISMAR); Dr. Giacomo di Montereale Gavazzi (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences), Dr. Giles Miller (Natural History Museum, London)

Thin section of a black crust formed on carbonate rocks. Lodovica Guarnieri, 2021

Amphibious Geologies. 2022. 

‘Amphibious Geologies’ is a counter mapping project that probes the blurred threshold between land and water to define material politics for social and ecological justice in the time of climate catastrophe. Situated in the Venice Lagoon, the project consists of a series of essays, installations and performative actions where marine scientists, stone restorers and activists are brought in conversation to de-historicize the materiality of architectural heritage and reinstall it as an agency of multiple temporal poetics. Starting from the weathering of Venetian marble due to atmospheric pollution, the project decolonises architectural heritage and re-imagines responsibility and care between human and non-human, emerged and submerged. If the Lagoon and Venice were already submerged, what new amphibian communities and kinship might emerge in wet togetherness?